#APP4SEA2020 - our final conference in Twitter on 16th of April

Conferences are being cancelled everywhere. But we are not having this. Our final conference will take place on 16th of April as planned - in Twitter!

In our last partner meeting in Bergen in December, we decided to do something different in the coming spring. Instead of trying to figure out, which organisation and which city should host the final conference, we decided to organise our final conference in Twitter. No hassle with booking the location, organising catering and gathering folks to fill the seats. No need to make travel plans, hunt down those best hotel and flight deals, spend hours in airports and planes, etc. A more emission friendly conference, so even the Mother nature would applaud it. And the potential participants - the whole twitter  following world is your oyster.

Why hasn't anyone thought of this before, you might ask? Well, to honest, these have been going around for a while already, but they are bound to get more popular during these challenging times. So if you are interested to find out what we have been doing in the past three years regarding Arctic oil spills, or you are just interested about Arctic issues, tune in on Thursday the 16th of April. Find our twitter account @APP4SEA_NPA or type in #APP4SEA2020 in the search field to follow us. The programme is almost finished and we hope to finalise it soon. We will be tweeting about what you can expect in these two weeks leading to the event. The first tweets of the #APP4SEA2020 Twitter conference will be sent on 16th of April at 12.00 Finnish (UTC+3), 11.00 CET, 10.00 UK and 9.00 Icelandic time. See you there!

Update! The Tweets from the Twitter conference can be uploaded from here. The tweets on one pdf (without the animations) are available below.